BWHC Participated an International Training of Trainers (TOT#2) of Breaking the Cycle Project
This Training Program was arranged at Antananarivo, Madagascar and hosted by a leading NGO of Madagascar named Youth First. It was a Nine (9) day long training program started at 16 April and ended on 24 April.
Four participants from BWHC attended this training program including resources person from BWHC. The BWHC Executive Director Sharif Mostafa Helal was Trainer from Bangladesh. Other three participants were Sadia Sutana Sara, Tanisha Khondkar and Md. Roni Mridha. They are youth volunteers of BWHC.
This training program included different session, study visit, cultural exchange activities. All the session was on Gender Based Violence (GBV).All session was interactive and enjoyable including BWHC session on Sexual and Reproductive health and Rights.
BWHC is proud for being a member and representation on such a wonderful, interactive and informative training program.