BWHC hosted the 20th NGO Constituency Consultation Meeting of BCCM
The 20th NGO Constituency Consultation Meeting of Bangladesh Country Coordinating Mechanism (BCCM), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare was held on 27 November 2024 (Wednesday) at the conference room of BWHC. A number of 48 Heads of NGOs & representative/s along with representative/s from BCCM Secretariat joined the meeting and reviewed the previous meeting decision/s and way forward for the upcoming initiative/s with a view to reinforce NGO’s involvement for achieving goals of GFATM particularly, to prevent and treat HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
The agenda/s of the meeting were:
1. Update on 19th BCCM NGO constituency Meeting Minutes
2. Objectives of NGO Constituency Consultation meeting
3. Update of BCCM Secretariat activities
4. Draft BCCM Governance Manual and Oversight Manual
5. AOB & Open Discussion
Along with other discussions and decisions, the following three major decisions were taken in this meeting:
1. In the Global Fund Guideline, it needs to be included that the Vice-Chairperson of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) would be elected by ONLY the CSO’s vote rather voting by all the members of the BCCM;
2. If any member NGO fails to participate 03 (three) conjugative NGO Constituency Consultation meeting, it’s membership shall be cancelled and it will not be eligible for applying a member of BCCM in future;
3. In 2025, the NGO Constituency Consultation Meeting shall be conducted Quarterly basis. Now, it continues half-yearly basis.
As the meeting was hosted by BWHC and the whole event was facilitated by Mr. Sharif Mostafa Helal, Executive Director of BWHC. All the Heads and Representatives participated in the meeting very promptly and vibrant discussions took places while taking decisions.