Results of ‘Breaking the Cycle’ project were shared with the Stakeholders
Breaking the Cycle: Result Sharing Conference
BWHC shared the results of one of it’s project named “Breaking the Cycle” funded by The Education, Audio-visual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), European Commission through Result Sharing Conference on 8 July 2018 at VAB Conference Hall, art-n-bwhc. In this final conference, outcomes and achievements of this project were shared with stakeholders e.g. governmental entities, NGOs, Youths from different universities and colleges, different professionals etc. and way forward was sought to prevent Gender Based Violence in Bangladesh.
Mr. Md. Gias Uddin Ahmed, Secretary (Acting), Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh was the Chief Guest where Barrister Sara Hossain, Honorary Executive Director, BLAST, Prof. Hafizul Islam, Member, BWHC Executive Committee and M.M. Anower Ullah, Member, BCCM spoke as Special Guests in this important event.
BWHC’s Treasurer Ms. Jahanara Sadeque delivered welcome speech for BWHC and Mr. Sharif Mostafa Helal, Executive Director, BWHC presented the details of the outcomes and achievements of Breaking the Cycle project. The whole event was chaired by Ms. Nasimun Ara Huq, Chairperson, BWHC Executive Committee.
The Chief Guest largely appreciated BWHC for implanting this very relevant project in the country and assured to take initiatives for inclusion of Gender Based Violence in grade 4 & 5 in the National Educational Curriculum.
The special guests reaffirmed their commitments to work together for creating awareness among the mass people particularly, among the youths and to prevent GBV in the country at all levels.
Finally, the conference ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.
Project Breaking the Cycle is being implemented by 06 renowned NGOs of 06 countries namely, CERUJOVI (Spain) as Lead, KEDE (Greece), YOUTH FIRST (Madagascar), LACC (Nepal), CHSJ (India), and BWHC (Bangladesh). As immediate achievement a number of 30 youth workers & trainers participated in ToT in Bangladesh, 26 youth workers participated in ToT2 in Madagascar, 120 young people participated in National Trainings, 220 young people participated in 3 days workshops, 300 youth workers, professionals from Public and Private institutions, specialists in GBV participated in Final Conferences.