BWHC distributed Blanket among tea-garden workers, older and underprivileged population in Hobigonj, Moulvibazar and Gaibandha
With the financial support of BWHC members, BWHC distributed 550 cold-stricken poor people on 09 January, 2022 (Hobiganj), 10 January, 2022 (Moulvibazar) and 22 January, 2022 (Saghata) respectively.
BWHC Executive Director Mr. Sharif Mostafa Helal along with the representatives of local self-government, local elites and community population were present in the distribution ceremonies. Due to sever cold-wave and poverty, the BWHC selected the most vulnerable population preferring particularly, the women under specific criteria. Objective of this distribution was to reduce the vulnerability of the cold-stricken poor people. Major criteria for selecting of these older families were: minimum one person has to be more than 60 years of old in the family; there were other criteria as well e.g. socio-economic condition- poor & underprivileged, persons with disability, persons from the minority community and persons from schedule cast (lowest grade population of the society), persons affected by natural disaster etc.