The Executive Committee sat it’s second meeting in 2023
After the first meeting held May 2023, the 7th (Seventh) meeting of the BWHC Executive Committee (2021 – 2023) was held on the 25th September 2023 at BWHC’s Conference room at 11:00 am. The BWHC honorable Chairperson Ms. Nasimun Ara Huq, chaired the meeting. Along with the Vice-Chairperson Ms. Jahanara Sadeque, the Treasurer Ms. Qumrun Nahar, Mr. Kazi Ali Reza, and Ms. Rayhana Begum joined the EC meeting. Mr. Sharif Mostafa Helal, the Executive Director & Member Secretary of EC also participated the meeting and updated the board on BWHC’s programs and activities. The agendas of this meeting included i. Approval of last EC meeting minutes, ii. Updates on decisions of last EC meeting, iii. Updates on existing programs and activities. Under the agenda no. iv. Annual General Meeting (2023), v. General Election (2024 – 2026). Under the AoB (vi) agenda item a. support staff issue and b. staff performance issues were discussed.

Beginning of the meeting, the Executive Committee mourn to the departure soul of Mr. Tofayel Ahmed, PhD who died in May 2023 and showed respect with ‘One Minute Silence’ for him. Dr. Ahmed was with BWHC since 2018.
A sub-committee headed by Kazi Ali Reza was formed for reviewing the existing constitution of BWHC Society. The other members of the sub-committee are – Ms. Jahanara Sadeque, Ms. Rayhana Begum where Mr. Sharif Mostafa Helal, the Executive Directed will play the role of Member Secretary of this sub-committee.
After details discussion, the meeting approved and took several decisions and the meeting was ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair of the meeting.