BWHC sensitized 77 professionals on Menstrual Regulations & Safe Abortion and Menstrual Hygiene Management Issue
Funded by the Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF), the BWHC conducted 04 (four) sensitization meetings with the stakeholders in Sylhet division (Sylhet Sadar and Zokiganj, Hobiganj, Moulvibazar) from 15-17 May, 2023.
On the 15th May 2023, the BWHC Center In-charge facilitated a sensitization meeting among the stakeholders in BWHC Zokiganj Clinic/Center from 10:30am to 11:45am. A number of 19 participants (teachers, religious leaders, other NGO workers and pharmacists etc.) participated in the sensitization meeting.
In this meeting, they all ensured their active participation and will help/inform the potential clients to refer/access to come in BWHC Zokiganj center; they informed in the meeting different issues happened in their community and the bad practices; BUT few of the participants said that now they informed/learned the right ways of seeking healthcare services and the benefits of receiving healthcare services to ensure their healthy future generation. All of the participants received our contact numbers including HOTLINE number so that it will be very easy to seek services from the next time, the meeting participants said in the meeting.
On the 16th May, 2023, BWHC facilitated a Sensitization Meeting at BWHC Habiganj Clinic from 10:30 am to 11:30 am. There were 19 participants in that meeting e.g., Assistant school teachers, Imam, Traditional Healer, Tea Garden panchayat, other NGO field workers and pharmacists etc. They all ensured their active participation and influence for the potential clients to access to the existing services of BWHC Clinic. By this meeting, they also ensure their participation in the process of awareness building and promotion of safe SRH services as well as safe abortion services of BWHC Clinic and request for following requirements:

- Need to ensure all kinds of medicine so that people will come to receive healthcare services as per their requirements;
- Need to hang poster in different places and announcement all of the areas regarding our provided services here; if possible, conduct a medical camp monthly/quarterly with expert doctors;
- Need more publications, courtyard meeting, meeting with members of tea garden about our services;
- To conduct collaborated courtyard meeting with government family planning staffs;
- Need a Gynecologist/Doctor with delivery facilities and long-term family planning method practice & EPI program.
On the same day i.e. 16th May, 2023, another Sensitization Meeting at BWHC Moulvibazar Clinic from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm. A number of 18 participants in that meeting e.g., Assistant School Teachers, Imam, Traditional Healer, Tea Garden workers, other NGO field workers and Pharmacists etc. They all ensure their active participation and influence for the potential clients to access to the existing services of BWHC Clinic. By this meeting, they also ensure their participation in the process of awareness building and promotion of safe SRH services as well as safe abortion services of BWHC Clinic and request for following requirements:

- Increase human resource, more poster and signboard to hang in different places with contact number (hotline/phone number of clinic);
- To ensure leaflet to distribution in the public gatherings;
- Ensure most of female participants (70%) in this kind of meetings because females are most vulnerable of that area;
- Need a full time Gynecologist/Doctor with delivery facilities and EPI program in this Centre;
- Need to hang poster in different places and announcement all of the areas regarding our provided services here; if possible, conduct a medical camp monthly/quarterly with expert doctors.
On 17th May 2023, BWHC conducted a sensitization meeting at BWHC Sylhet Sadar Clinic from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. There were 21 participants in that meeting e.g. Traditional Healer, other NGO field workers and Pharmacists etc. They all ensure their active participation and influence for the potential clients to access to the existing services of BWHC Clinic. By this meeting, they also ensure their participation in the process of awareness building and promotion of safe SRH services as well as safe abortion services of BWHC Clinic and requested for following requirements:
- Need to conduct more satellites for women at colony where the healthcare services are not available;
- More publications about our services as to inform the local people;
- Need delivery facilities in the clinic with a Gynecologist/doctor;
- Need not only school session but also meeting with teacher about SRH;
- Need a Gynecologist/Doctor with delivery facilities, long term family planning services and EPI program;
- Medicine storage should be sufficient. All of kinds of complains & treatment needed to record to ensure the services and need of the local people.