BWHC Celebrated the International Day of Older Person (IDOP) 2022
As of previous years, the BWHC celebrated the International Day of Older Person (IDOP) on 01 October 2022 in collaboration with the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and with other development partners and NGOs working in this field. The overall umbrella theme for the United Nations International Day of Older Persons in 2022 is “Resilience of Older Persons in a Changing World.” This theme will be celebrated by the NGO Committees on Ageing in New York, Geneva and Vienna – each with a unique and complementary approach to the overall theme.

In this celebration, Honorable Minister, Ministry of Social Welfare Mr. Nuruzzaman Ahmed MP, graced the occasion as Chief Guest where Md. Ashraf Ali Khan Khasru M.P, Hon’le State Minister, Ministry of Social Welfare, Mr. Rashed Khan Menon MP, Chairman of Standing Committee for Ministry of Social Welfare, Mr. Md. Jahangir Alam, Secretary, Ministry of Social Welfare, Mr. Abu Saleh Mostafa Kamal, PhD, Director General, Department of Social Services along with hundreds of participants from different stakeholders joined the celebration. BWHC Executive Director Mr. Sharif Mostafa Helal along with BWHC staffs also participated in the rally and discussion session.

After participating the national celebration in the Department of Social Services venue, the BWHC organized a separate discussion meeting in BWHC conference room on the same day. In the discussion meeting, the history and importance of this day were discussed to respond to the opportunities and challenges of population ageing in the 21st century and to promote the development of a society for all ages.