BWHC Executive Director joined Inroads Asia and the Pacific Regional Member Gathering
BWHC is one of the members of Inroads: the International Network for the Reduction of Abortion Discrimination and Stigma is a global network of advocates, scholars, health providers, and donors interested in program design, research, and advocacy to address abortion stigma and its negative outcomes. Mr. Sharif Mostafa Helal, BWHC’s Executive Director joined Inroads Asia and the Pacific Regional Member Gathering held on 08 – 09 April 2019 at Yak and Yeti Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal. Participants from South Asian Countries namely Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippine, Shri Lanka joined the gathering and shared their experiences with regards to abortion stigmas exists in this region. The gathering also strengthen the networking among the individuals and organizations work in this field and crated opportunity to collaborate in the coming days.
SAAF Board member and participants from SAAF Guarantees from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan also shared their recent experience in this regard.